Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Story Of Physics Teacher | Stories Motivate U

Story Of Physics Teacher

Whistles make a sound, informing the residents of the water supply - a simple yet innovative way of alert!!

R. Balamurugan, a physics teacher at Vidhyaa Vikas International School in Gandarvakottai in Pudukottai has attached whistles to household drinking water lines on his street to alert residents to the supply of water to their residences.

Since air would flow through the pipe before water was pumped through it, the whistles make a sound, informing the residents of the water supply.

He fashioned a device by attaching a plastic whistle to a pipe through a hole.

The whistle was fixed using a sealant in such a way that air passes through it.

The whistle blows before the water flows and the residents are all awakened by its sound.

This alerts the residents since the water supply is on a rotational basis and the timing is not fixed.

There is a need for such a device as many cannot afford to construct large tanks with stoppers and must fill water in pots.

Great innovation,

Congratulate Balamurugan.

✅ Innovation increases your chances to react to changes and discover new opportunities.

✅ Innovation Effectively achieving business growth goals. Increasing productivity and thereby increasing profitability.

✅ Innovation Helps Organizations Differentiate Themselves.

If your organization is using innovation on its processes, it's because doing so will prevent time, money, or other resources, and provides you a competitive advantage over other companies stuck in their systems.

✅ Innovation in education encourages teachers and students to explore, research, and use all the tools to uncover something new. It involves a different way of looking at problems and solving them. Innovation improves education because it compels students to use a better level of thinking to unravel problems.












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Credits @manthanhub

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Read it and you will change your future

Read it and you will change your future

Hey everybody, Hope you're having an tremendous day ❤️

this is Stories Motivate U. 

And today I want you to remember, remember your future like it already happened. I want you to remember your success. I want you to remember your health. I want you to remember beautiful memories of your life.

 I want you to remember life is just a journey. Time is precious.

And I want you to remember the success you had in your life, the happiness you had in your life, the relationships you had in your life, this beautiful journey,

these 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 30 days a month, 365 days a year. I want you to remember how blessed you are with this gift. And that everything just happened magically for you worked hard.

But also the green card in you what you wanted, and you got it. You went after your dreams. And at the end, you could look back and say wow, I really used my time wisely. This lab was a crazy but beautiful journey. Sometimes when I felt like giving up, I just dug in more hard. And I got through the struggle. Remember the days when I was struggling? Remember the days when I was poor.

Remember the days when I was sick? Not anymore. That was the past now is the future now is the now. Now I am rich. Now. I am healthy now. I am happy. Now. I am loved. Now. I am successful. Now, any dream I want becomes my reality. Because the struggle is over now. My dreams are a reality now. dream it, believe it and achieve it. 

That's my credo philosophy I live by dream it, believe it and achieve it repeated with me. dream it, believe it and achieve it. There is nothing I cannot achieve my life in my world. There is nothing or no one who can stop me. If I set myself an objective or goal, I will reach it. I will reach I will dream it. I will believe in it. And I will achieve it. 

I want you to repeat with me dream it, believe it and achieve it. There is nothing that you can not do in this life. There's nothing that you cannot achieve this life. 

Life is but a game on the first rule of this game is that it is not a game. Spend your time. invest your time. invest your thoughts. Invest in your health. invest your riches. And if you don't have much, do the best you can with the little that you have. Just believe in yourself. Believe in the mechanism of this law of attraction of this mystery of life. Thanks for watching. Stay blessed

