Saturday, November 14, 2020

Follow your DREAM, Dont Hand Over!

Follow your DREAM, Dont hand over and

ALWAYSE believe Your Yourself!

 What is your approach to life.

What are your goals are you able to even Define them are you able to see your dreams does one even have a dream.

A man without a dream is sort of a dog without a way of smell it doesn't know where to travel know where to start out .

So leave there or go within look for a dream something you'd wish to be something you'd wish to have in your life or something you'd wish to achieve.

You don't need to start big nobody expects

you to vary the planet instead follow something that you simply actually need something you desire something which will push you to urge up within the morning once you catch on done follow your next dream your next goal.

You see your life may be a movie it's your story you're the most character you're the director you're the screenwriter.

Now imagine watching a movie without a plot without a meaningful story you'll start watching but you will soon get bored become frustrated because the story never gets to any.

We all need to live our life so you would possibly also make it a stimulating adventurous story where the hero of a comes hardship pain obstacles problems within the he gets what he wants he succeeds to understand his dream.

So find a dream that's worth working fighting for be yourself be happy.

Like my grandmother wont to say if you're happy happy things will happen.

Never concede never accept defeat always smile because do not forget your life is your dream you're the hero during this movie you write the script it's also you who determines the result there's no. ever in abandoning a regardless of what happens just stay track because you already know the ending of your story.

Now i would like you to require this attitude live your life without being scared without being during a bad mood because that ain't getting to get you anywhere be confident be brave be joyful let all the world's breath encounter you while you stand solid sort of a rock within the storm smile towards your fate because no out of power can ever does one any harm once you've got realized that you simply determine the result of your story what happens once you awaken within the morning how does one feel.

Good bad if so why next time you awaken just lay there a touch longer your eyes focus in on your dream.

How would the star of your movie awaken with a smile with a hunger to travel after his dream be him be this hero be this great version of yourself that does not live from day to day giving over the facility over his life to somebody else but instead they for a purpose they've determined see your dream is already a reality simply because you cannot see it physically it doesn't make it real once you've got fully accepted the realness of it it'll materialize into your physical world.

Then others will finally also see your dream I won't call it that any more they're going to call it a fact.


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