Monday, August 9, 2021

"I AM" The Powerful Motivational Story.hi


"I AM" The Powerful Motivational Story

I am successful I, am, rich, I, am, happy, I, am, motivated, everything, I, touch, becomes, gold, all, my ideas, I, turn, into, positive creations, I am, a, good friend, I, am, a, good brother I am, a good sister, I, am, a good husband, I, am, a good wife, I, am, a, good father, I am, a, good mother, I, am, a, good child, I, am, a, good friend, I, am, trustworthy, I, am, oats, to, the world,

 I, am, classy, I, am, full. Of energy, I, am brave negative thoughts can't affect me because I am stronger my energy is on a higher level, I, have, high vibrations, my, vibration, level, is, extremely, high, I, am, cruising, around, the universe, my, thoughts, are, so, powerful, that, I, know, that I can create and 

I, can make my wishes, and, dreams, come. True, nothing, or no one can stop me I have character, I have, an, athletic body, I, am athletic, I, am, funny, I, am, daring, I, am, a, dreamer, I, am, a doer, I, am, laborious, I, am, humble, I, am loved I am sold after I, am, always at the right spot at, the, right time, I, am, love, I, am trust,

I, am friendship, I, am, the, pilot, of, my, own, destiny, and, I, decide, where, my, ship, will go my, mind, is, more, powerful, than, all, the, computers, in. The world put together I will, always aim for the moon because if I miss I, may, hit a star, I, am positive,

I, am, well, mannered, and spoken I, am, a gentleman, I, am, well read I, am, an, intellectual, I, am, a, poet, I, am, a lover, I, am, an, artist, I, let, god, watch, over, me, and, I, look, at, the, stars, when, I, need, inspiration, I, am inspired, I, always, look, for, the, best, in people, I, am, a, leader, I, am, happiness, I, am, comfortable. 

I feel comfortable in my body in my skin, I, am, smart, I, am, ambitious, I decide, what dreams I have I decide which thoughts are let into my mind and which thoughts I, throw out. Again, I, am blessed 

this is Stories Motivate U, video, thanks, for, reading and, stay, blessed. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Way To Find God


Once upon a time a zen master was meditating by a river when a young man interrupted him master I wish to become your disciple said the man why, replied, the, zen master the young man thought for a moment because I want, to find god the master jumped up grabbed him by the scruff of his, neck, dragged, him, into, the, river, and, plunged, his, head. 

Under water after holding, him, there, for, a, minute with him kicking, and, struggling to free himself the. Master finally pulled him up out of the river the young man coughed up water and gasped to get, his breath when he eventually quieted down the master spoke tell me what, did, you, want, most of all when you were under water,

air I want it, air, answered, the men, very, well, said, the master now go, home, and, come, back, to, me, when, you, want god as much, as, you, just, wanted air you see, life, in, your life, what is it that you really want and not.

What you fancy for the moment or what you would like other people to see you with what is it in your core in your being that you really want once, you, find out and go out and conquer the world for it but all above conquer yourself, and, conquer, your heart, this is, stories motivate u, thank, you, so, much, for, reading and, stay blessed. 

